Cheese cake in your face.

South-African Rose baked Cheese Cake on Dr. St...

Image via Wikipedia


There are a thousand little things that make up a moment. Imagine this,

you are at a restaurant with your closest friends. It’s Alan’s birthday. You’re sitting amidst your friends, rather snugly, sipping hot chocolate. The aroma of the hot chocolate diffuses through the air. Some one makes irritating noises with their mouth while chewing. Their mouth is wide open, their saliva is dripping, bits of chicken is stuck between their teeth, staining it. The jaw awkwardly opens and closes as it musters the courage to talk, eat, and chew at the same time. While your friend looks like the joker, you laugh, somewhat wholeheartedly, and, your lips are pressed to your cup of hot chocolate when your carnivorous friend turns around and smiles at you. The sight of him gawking his teeth out at you, without him having the minutest idea what his face represents this very moment, causes you to laugh buoyantly. Your hot chocolate springs to life, the tiny particles flying so high up in the air. You cough hysterically.

Alan is cheerfully devouring her much-awaited-for cheese-cake. Finally off her diet, which consisted of her eating broccoli, vegetables, and only and everything green for the last six months, she is free. Her head is in her plate as if the world is still, it is just her and her cheese cake in this special moment. Her hair feeds on the cake, she ravenously munches on it, she is carefree, euphoria tingling down her mouth with each bite. It is as if Christmas had come a year early.

And in the midst of it all, while the cake is flying in opposite corners of the room while Alan stabs on it mercilessly, and while the healthy chicken leg pieces mingles with this cake and settles on the table, while the coffee is still in the air, it is a second of happiness, a perfect moment, that can only be captured by a camera.

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